As with any business endeavor you need a plan for your marketing growth strategy. You have so many options open to you that you would be hard pressed to keep track of everything without a plan to make sure you are heading in the right direction. So let's begin with identifying your target market.
Identify Your Target Market
The Facebook demographic is extremely diverse and you have the added advantage of being able to use people's profiles to further narrow your target market down.
For example, if you want to target men aged 35 – 45 who live in the Midwest and love to fish, Facebook makes it extremely easy to do. The advantage? You can be certain you aren't wasting resources, whether money or time, on reaching a wide audience when only a small percentage is actually your target market, which is often the case with traditional marketing channels.
Remember that the key to building a successful business is to have an excellent understanding of your target market. The more you know about your consumer, the easier it will be to build a relationship with them. Consumer behavior, in simple terms, is driven mainly by two desires:
- To Avoid Pain
- To Gain Pleasure
However, pain avoidance carries much more weight. Therefore, the more you know of your audience and what pains them, the more you will be able to meet their needs by providing a solution to their pain.
In fact, if you do your market research properly, you will be able to create a product [or find an affiliate product to promote] that virtually sells itself. This is where "the power of knowing your target market" truly lies.
There are a few tools you can use to locate your target market. One of these is the Facebook Insights tool which provides information on the people visiting your page, including information such as their age and sex.
If you're new to Facebook Insights and need some step-by-step guidance in where to locate this tool and how to set it up, here's a Facebook page that can help you ...
If you haven't already done so, start researching your target market today. Leave me a comment and let me know how it's working out for you. Thanks for your attention and time.
Christine Range
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